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Goddammit, Slavery Sucks Soooo Big Time

It’s been a while since my last post (even though not as long while as was from the post before it). I’ve been busy being dead. Yeah, pretty much that. Finland, the marvelous country that I live in, has this little obscurity called military service. And unfortunately it’s, goddamn, obligatory. Every man between ages 18 and 60 has to go through either military service (either equipped with weapons or not; this leaves room for those who will not touch any weapon for various, usually moral, reasons) or compensatory-ish civil service.

Well, our military service can take up to 347 days of our time when it is our time to serve our country. Yay. Fortunately only thirty percent of military servants have to serve 347 days. If I remember correctly, twenty percent of us serve 255 days. And the rest have to cope with 165 days.

I’m going with military service just because I have a chance to get away with just 165 days, as civil service is always 347 days. Of course, there is an option of total objection – that is, to refuse to do anything – but that leads to imprisonment so it’s not really an option for me. Even though… your judgment would be, like, six months, so it’d be faster to get away with total objection than with civil service.

Fortunately, I received a 165-day-service job – to be more precise, a placement as a bookkeeper. I can forget the horrors of basic jäger service. That’s what I’ve been going through for seven weeks now. Awful, crawling on the ground and in the snow piles with battle gear on, skiing 30 kilometers with the same quite heavy gear and a backpack et cetera…

Something positive for a change: I released my EP, Infinitely Irrational, about… three weeks ago? Yes, I think. Six individual tracks for you, related by… the fact that they are on the same release. If you didn’t like my single Quintessence, I still recommend you check out the other tracks of Infinitely Irrational. My personal favorite might be Gods of the Complex Space.

If you do like it, you can always download it for free from my Bandcamp. You can aaaalso pay for it. I don’t mind. :3 Also, if you are a Piste Gamer, you might like the final track which is a remix of a song from the game called Pekka Kana 2. It’s an old-schoold platformer with an old-school tracker soundtrack. If you are not a Piste Gamer (a fan of Piste Gamez, the indie game dev group that created the game), I suggest you take a look at the game (and the music, of course).

Anyway, you will hear of me again this spring, or at least next fall when I start my studies at the University of Helsinki. Mathematics, hell yeah.

From the cold, dark backwoods of Lapland,
Sincerely With Love
Crudelis Diabolus

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