I no more have excuses not to write in my blog... So let us get started, shall we?
As some of you – I suppose someone is reading this one day – may know, I am Crudelis Diabolus (so it says in the sidebar (or will say when I change the text, back into that later)), a multimedia artist so to speak. DeviantART used to call me that until it made a decision not to call me that anymore, and I have no idead why it changed it mind. Nowadays I'm a hobbyist digital artist.
You may or may not have listened my music from my SoundCloud or Bandcamp. Let me warn you: I am going to release an EP in the near future. The last date I gave off (emitted) was last Friday but as you can see, there's nothing there in my Bandcamp. Nooothing. Just two old songs. Listen to them now.
We'll see how often I decide to write new blog posts. If I get exited, I may do so pretty often. Constantly.
— Crudelis Diabolus