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Merry You-Know-What and Happy Blah Blah Blah

Christmas. Chriiiistmas. Christmas. Merry Christmas. Very merry Christmas. Probably. Yeah. I’ve been somewhat busy with stuff, you know. Some university stuff, but also some other stuff. Like, watched-a-couple-of-movies kind of stuff. Well those shouldn’t take too long, so where has all of freetime gone? Oh, yeah! A certain sexy spider stole it all. Whoops.

After the exams for the latter period of this school season, I traveled back home to Lapland. There’s snow everywhere — just as it should be. There should be snow in winter so it’s just annoying when there’s none, which is the situation in Helsinki most of the time. What I don’t like is the temperature of minus thirty degrees Celsius. To quote a Finnish tweet of mine, “after being outside even for a moment, I fucking look like the goddamn redcoated hairyface.”

Most of my time home has been actually spent on finishing my space adventure themed Pekka Kana 2 episode which now carries the name “Galactic Cataclysm”. I also finished the Causal Angel by Janne Rajaniemi. Such a wonderful book. I recommend if you like science-fiction and are not afraid of quantum physics. Or course, you should first read the two previous works on the trilogy.

I also remixed “Robochickens”, a song from the soundtrack of Pekka Kana 2. Such a nice little song. I may have made my version a bit… extravagant.

I also did a thing for Christmas and decorated the website of Bio-Klaani a bit. Also a song for the overrated holiday season (on top of this blog post, but you probably noticed that already).

Now that I’m throwing songs at you, have I ever mentioned a song I’m most proud of? It’s called “Arachnosphere” and I think it’s my finest work to date. Listen to it, bitch.

And have happy holidays or something.

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Say Something Nice

Oh, it’s you. It’s been a long time. How have you been? I’ve been really busy being dead.

You know.

After you murdered me.

Weeell, it’s actually been only four months but that is a long time, is it not? And you didn’t really murder me, the stupid little humans are there for me for that reason. Sometimes they are so unbelievably idiotic that I almost feel sorry for them. But I’m always looking chances to throw in some more or less neat Portal references.

But come on, let’s not dwell on horrid things, as one of my favorite Doctor Who characters said in the series 8 finale. I asked how you have been, my dearest reader, but I don’t actually care that much. How have I been? That’s the question. Since my last blog entry, there has been a full season of Doctor Who to watch and I have to say it might very well be the best of the new series. At least the best finale. I did really love everything they did here. But I’ll keep it spoiler free so if there are people who are yet to watch the finale, they won’t be spoiled.

I’ve also been watching some Breaking Bad with Visokki, my dear carer (she cares so I don’t have to), and I’ve liked it very much so far. Season 4 starts to intensify. Let’s see what will come up.

I’ve also been listening to the new horrifyingly brilliant album Scare Force One. Definitely the best sounding Lordi album to date. The song Scare Force One is a new and interesting yet loveable experiment (of course nothing new for common metal bands but for Lordi) and one of my favorite tracks. Also, the album intro is absolutely the best intro since SCG IV, actually even better. The best, probably. Definitely. The first single Nailed By The Hammer Of Frankenstein is another highlight of the album, as well as Sir, Mr. Presideath, Sir, which is pure awesomeness.

And incidentally, there was also an album release party gig thing in The Circus, Helsinki. At my current residence, nothing can stop me from going to Helsinki gigs. And there I was, witnessing perhaps one of the best Lordi gigs ever (okay, only my second one but whatever) and afterwards hanging out with Viz and a couple of less seen rarities, Mr. Killjoy and his companion.

There was also a gig of Turmion Kätilöt somewhere but I’m not entirely sure how chronology works. It was a great experience as well, although “soundi oli täysi paska” as they say.

I think I’m missing something important, something obvious.

Well, there was also a new album by Machinae Supremacy. It’s a concept album called Phantom Shadow, a nice collection of tracks with a story to tell. Also, I’m in love with the ending track Hubnester Rising. Love the main guitar melody.

Oh, right! Maths. Mathematics. Linear algebra. Mathematical analysis. Set theory. Matrix calculus. I’m finally studying the very thing that makes modern science possible. The very thing that modern physics is based on. The very thing without which computers wouldn’t exist. The thing that can give you actual rational knowledge. Love the knowledge.

Last but probably not even least, I’ve started reading The Causal Angel, which is the final novel of the Quantum Thief trilogy written by ingenious Hannu Rajaniemi.

After the last thing there should probably be other things, just to break the definition of “last”. So, my friend Nanofus created this intriguing game called Caelorum Gratia, which includes music by no-one else but me. Go check it out, bitches.


Sir, Mr. Presideath, Sir!
We all love you so!

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My Freedom

It’s over now.
I won.
Even though a bloodthirsty first lieutenant tried to probably murder me a couple times, I made it.
165 days of military service behind, the university studies right ahead.

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Goddammit, Slavery Sucks Soooo Big Time

It’s been a while since my last post (even though not as long while as was from the post before it). I’ve been busy being dead. Yeah, pretty much that. Finland, the marvelous country that I live in, has this little obscurity called military service. And unfortunately it’s, goddamn, obligatory. Every man between ages 18 and 60 has to go through either military service (either equipped with weapons or not; this leaves room for those who will not touch any weapon for various, usually moral, reasons) or compensatory-ish civil service.

Well, our military service can take up to 347 days of our time when it is our time to serve our country. Yay. Fortunately only thirty percent of military servants have to serve 347 days. If I remember correctly, twenty percent of us serve 255 days. And the rest have to cope with 165 days.

I’m going with military service just because I have a chance to get away with just 165 days, as civil service is always 347 days. Of course, there is an option of total objection – that is, to refuse to do anything – but that leads to imprisonment so it’s not really an option for me. Even though… your judgment would be, like, six months, so it’d be faster to get away with total objection than with civil service.

Fortunately, I received a 165-day-service job – to be more precise, a placement as a bookkeeper. I can forget the horrors of basic jäger service. That’s what I’ve been going through for seven weeks now. Awful, crawling on the ground and in the snow piles with battle gear on, skiing 30 kilometers with the same quite heavy gear and a backpack et cetera…

Something positive for a change: I released my EP, Infinitely Irrational, about… three weeks ago? Yes, I think. Six individual tracks for you, related by… the fact that they are on the same release. If you didn’t like my single Quintessence, I still recommend you check out the other tracks of Infinitely Irrational. My personal favorite might be Gods of the Complex Space.

If you do like it, you can always download it for free from my Bandcamp. You can aaaalso pay for it. I don’t mind. :3 Also, if you are a Piste Gamer, you might like the final track which is a remix of a song from the game called Pekka Kana 2. It’s an old-schoold platformer with an old-school tracker soundtrack. If you are not a Piste Gamer (a fan of Piste Gamez, the indie game dev group that created the game), I suggest you take a look at the game (and the music, of course).

Anyway, you will hear of me again this spring, or at least next fall when I start my studies at the University of Helsinki. Mathematics, hell yeah.

From the cold, dark backwoods of Lapland,
Sincerely With Love
Crudelis Diabolus

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Happy New Fear / Quintessence Out Soon!

Good day, mortals, and Happy New Fear.

I finally have my new website out on You may also notice that I’m going to release a new single called “Quintessence” tomorrow (3rd January 2014). Well, actually, it’ll be out in 35 minutes…

The song will be included in Niko Saarela's science fiction movie "Cased", so check it out too:

And here, listen some Lordi for your late New Year.

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